Monday, September 19, 2011

Paint Chip Matchbook Tutorial

You all know how much I love my paint chips!  I thought I would share one of my fun and easy projects with you!

First let us remember that I did not steal these paint chips.  I use the discontinued fans that I get from a painting company.  I would urge you to find some way to recycle as well.

Ok, on to the fun stuff!

1. Trim paint chips to 9 1/2".

2.  First fold 1 1/2" up, then fold approximately 3 1/2" down to create the matchbook.

3. Choose the paper you will use in your matchbook. Cut it to 4" x 2". You slide the paper under the fold and secure with a simple staple.
*It would be awesome to use recycled paper in here as well!

This is what you should have now!

4.  Here is where you can have fun it!  Pull out your stamps, stickers rub-ons and whatever else you can think of and decorate the fronts of the matchbooks.

Now throw some in your purse to write down little notes, give them to your friends, put them in your families stockings this Christmas.

Happy Crafting!
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  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! What a clever idea. Angel, you are so creative! They are really pretty also. The colors are great. You and Mechelle are going to be a big success.


  2. So cute. Every time I pass by a display of paint chips I get a strong desire to paint something. Good thing I don't give in to it that often. This is a very cool way to recycle these.

  3. Great tutorial and great repurpose for those paint chips!!

  4. This is such a great idea. Last time I had paint chips they around while I was getting around to taking them back to the paint shop..then hubby threw them out.

  5. How fun, I think I will have to try this, thanks Bam x

  6. So cute!! We've made these with just card stock, but I love the paint chip idea.

  7. Oh, cutes! Love the idea and such a small size is great for jotting down the little AH HA thoughts that pop into my head that I do not want to forget but I know I will never remember.

  8. That is so cool!!! I also like the fact that you did a lil disclaimer about how you didn't steal em heheheheee...
